
Glossary: Cronjob

What is a Cronjob?

A cronjob is an automated task that is executed on a server at specified intervals. It enables recurring tasks such as data backups, reporting, or content updates to be performed without manual user intervention. Cronjobs are based on the Unix service "cron", which is available on Unix-based systems like Linux and macOS. On Windows systems, a similar function is provided by the "Task Scheduler".

Examples of Cronjob Usage

Creating Cronjobs

To create a cronjob on Unix-based systems, you open the crontab file (a table containing the list of cronjobs and their schedules) with the command crontab -e in the command line. In this file, you add a new line containing the schedule and the command to be executed for the cronjob. The syntax for the schedule consists of five fields representing minute, hour, day of month, month, and day of week. The fields are separated by spaces and can contain numbers, asterisks (as wildcards), or ranges of numbers.

An example of a cronjob that runs every day at midnight to create a backup of a MySQL database might look like this in the crontab file:

0 0 * * * /usr/bin/mysqldump -u username -p password dbname > /path/to/backup/db_backup_$(date +\%Y-\%m-\%d).sql

cronjob.de: Create and manage cronjobs easily without special knowledge

cronjob.de is a web service that significantly simplifies the creation and management of cronjobs. Unlike the traditional method, which requires knowledge of the command line and crontab syntax, cronjob.de provides a user-friendly interface that allows you to set up and manage cronjobs without prior knowledge.

Benefits of cronjob.de

Creating a Cronjob with cronjob.de

To create a cronjob with cronjob.de, follow these simple steps:

  1. Sign in to cronjob.de or register for a new account.
  2. Click on "Create New Cronjob" to access the cronjob form.
  3. Enter the URL that your cronjob should call. This can be a URL to a file on your server or an external resource that triggers a specific action.
  4. Choose the interval for executing the cronjob. This can be a specific time (e.g., daily at 1:00 AM) or an interval (e.g., every 30 minutes).
  5. Optionally, you can configure additional settings such as notifications or logging options.
  6. Click on "Save Cronjob" to create and activate your cronjob. The cronjob will now be executed according to the specified schedule.

cronjob.de takes care of all cronjob management, allowing you to focus on other aspects of your website or application. If you need to make changes to an existing cronjob, you can do so at any time by logging into your cronjob.de account and adjusting the relevant settings.


A cronjob is an automated task that runs on a server at set intervals and enables recurring tasks such as data backups, reporting, or content updates to be performed. However, creating and managing cronjobs can be complex and requires knowledge of the command line and crontab syntax.

cronjob.de is a web service that simplifies the creation and management of cronjobs by providing a user-friendly interface that requires no special knowledge. Users only need to provide the URL and set the desired schedule for execution. cronjob.de offers numerous advantages such as simplicity, time savings, platform independence, reliability, and logging, making it the ideal solution for managing cronjobs.